Illuminate vision panels homogeneously.
With LUVIS and LUVIS mini, common contrast and visual boards can finally be illuminated correctly and homogeneously. This makes measuring contrast vision easier, because you no longer have to worry about illuminating the panels correctly.
But it also becomes much more accurate: With the LUVIS devices, the vision panels are illuminated homogeneously. This means that the brightness or luminance on the panel does not vary greatly. With LUVIS mini, for example. you achieve a maximum deviation of +/- 3 % over the entire panel. Previous procedures and claims are at +/- 25%. This can lead to decisive differences in the result, especially in contrast tests.

Company physician / occupational physician (FeV of 2011)
Since 2011, every company or occupational physician has had to test contrast vision in expert opinions for driver’s licenses for occupational purposes. With LUVIS, the affordable Mars and Pelli-Robson panels can be homogeneously illuminated.
On the one hand, the Dog recommends viewing devices for the FeV, but these are an investment in the mid 4-digit range and are hardly transportable. On the other hand, she is also in favor of the Martian or Pelli-Robson plates, which are used to test photopic contrast vision.
The difficulty of illuminating such contrast panels at different locations is ideally solved with the LUVIS devices. No external light sources are required. This means that the result can be fully relied upon within the framework of the FeV and all test subjects are given fair testing conditions.

Clinics / Researchers / Opthalmologists (for studies)
In clinical studies, the result of an eye test is decisive for the success of the examination. Standardizing illumination is not only important for visual acuity testing, but even more important for contrast vision testing. Even small deviations in illumination could cause your subject to see one contrast level less.
Especially in multicenter studies, care must be taken to ensure that all centers use the same illumination. If this is not the case, the question arises as to how comparable and sound the measurements are. Therefore, it is not sufficient if all centers use the same contrast panel but illuminate it differently: If center A uses a table lamp, center B uses the fluorescent light from the room lighting, and center C uses an LED lamp, the result will most likely be three different illuminations. As a result, the measurements of the centers are neither comparable nor sufficiently illuminated.
Especially with contrast panels such as the Mars panels or the Pelli-Robson panels, it is not at all easy to illuminate the entire surface of the panel homogeneously. Usually the center of the plate is somewhat brighter than the edges, or reflections hit an optotype so that it stands out due to reflections in the printing ink. For more, see the scientific article by Durst et al. (Br J Ophthalmol 2011; 95:1506-1508) and Raabe, T. et al. (Clinical Monthly Ophthalmology 2014; 231: 798-809).
With the LUVIS instruments, you generate reproducible results immediately and without any necessary adjustment measures and create standardized conditions for all test subjects.

Opticians / Optometrists (Screening)
Do you also check contrast vision in a refraction or follow-up? Or perhaps in a preliminary investigation? If so, be sure to check that your lighting is adequate and homogeneous. Also whether it is summer or winter, or direct sunlight falls into the screening room must be considered! With LUVIS, on the other hand, you can sit back and relax.
According to statistics, over 70% of all refractions in Germany take place at the optician or optometrist. Especially in older people, contrast vision decreases significantly, often due to a cataract (clouding of the lens). You can and should uncover these cases! This is because older customers are often perfectly corrected, but suffer from poor contrast vision. As a result, they endanger themselves and other road users.
So make contrast vision testing a standard part of your exam after a certain age! For example, with LUVIS mini and a Mars contrast board, you can introduce contrast vision screening with little effort. In this way, you create reliable investigations and become the point of contact for a grateful target group!